Brushless Permanent Magnet DC Motor: Open Loop Model – Multibody, Multi-Domain Physical Model in MapleSim – Maplesoft ­

Brushless Permanent Magnet DC Motor: Open Loop Model

Using the Custom Component, a Brushless Permanent Magnet DC Motor is modeled and driven with an inverter combined with switching logic. Additionally, Hall Effect sensors have been connected to the motor providing information on shaft rotation. This model shows the open loop components that can be combined with a control strategy.

The attached worksheet allows user to define the EMF characteristics of the motor and Hall Effect sensors. The worksheet generates the profiles for the rotation range of 0 to 720°, and combined with the parametric brushless motor component allows the motor characteristics to be modified easily.

This model was created with MapleSim 2022.2

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Model: Brushless Permanent Magnet DC Motor: Open Loop Model

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  • model
  • results
  • Results 2
  • BLDC motor (Custom Component)