The MapletViewer is an executable program that can launch saved Maplet applications. It displays and runs Maplet applications independently of the Maple worksheet environment.
Exporting a Worksheet As a Maplet Application File
You can export Maple worksheets as .maplet files.
From the File menu, select Export As.
Specify Maplet as the file type.
Specify a path and folder for the file.
In the Classic interface, you can save Maple worksheets as .maplet files. From the File menu, select Save As. Specify Maplet as the file type.
Launching a Maplet Application
To launch a Maplet application outside of the worksheet environment:
In Windows
By default the Windows installer creates an association between .maplet files and the MapletViewer.
From a Windows file browser, double-click the .maplet file.
Create a shortcut icon and place it on the desktop, specifying mapletviewer.exe followed by the .maplet filename.
In Mac OS X
The MapletViewer is available on Windows only. Mac OS X users can invoke the .maplet files by executing the Command-line version.
Navigate to the /Library/Frameworks/Maple.framework/Versions/Current/bin directory.
At the command line, enter maple -q and then the filename as an argument.
In UNIX and Linux
The MapletViewer is available on Windows only. UNIX users can invoke the .maplet files by executing the Command-line version.
Change directories to $MAPLE_ROOT/bin, where MAPLE_ROOT is the root directory of your Maple installation.
At the command line, enter maple -q and then the filename as an argument.