Overview of the ImageTools Package
Calling Sequence
The ImageTools package implements a number of image processing functions.
Within this package, image data is represented as dense rectangular Arrays of 64-bit hardware floating point numbers. Grayscale and color images can be represented; see ImageTools[ImageTypes] for descriptions of the types and data structures.
Accessing Package Commands
Each command in the ImageTools package can be accessed by using either the long form or the short form of the command name in the command calling sequence.
Because the underlying implementation of the ImageTools package is a module, it is possible to use the form ImageTools:-command to access a command from the package. For more information, see Module Members.
List of Package Commands
The following is a list of available commands. To display the help page for a particular command, see Getting Help with a Command in a Package.
Entropy compute entropy of an image
Height return height (rows) of an image
Quality compute quality measure of a reconstructed image
Width return width (columns) of an image
Clip clip image to low and high values
Flip flip an image horizontally or vertically
Rotate rotate an image (90 degree increments)
Stack stack images horizontally or vertically
Gamma adjust intensity of layers
GetLayer return layer from a multi-layer image
SetLayer insert a layer into a multi-layer image
ToRGB convert Gray/RGB/RGBA to RGB
ToRGBA convert Gray/RGB/RGBA to RGBA
File I/O
Read read an image from a file
Write write an image to a file