mtaylor - multivariate Taylor series expansion
Calling Sequence
mtaylor(f, v)
mtaylor(f, v, n)
mtaylor(f, v, n, w)
algebraic expression
list or set of names or equations
(optional) non-negative integer
(optional) list of positive integers
The mtaylor function computes a truncated multivariate Taylor series expansion of the input expression f, with respect to the variables v, to order n, using the variable weights w.
If the third argument n is present then it specifies the ``truncation order'' of the series. The concept of ``truncation order'' used is ``total degree'' in the variables. If n is not present, the truncation order used is the value of the global variable Order, which is 6 by default.
If the fourth argument w is present it specifies the variable weights to be used (by default all 1). A weight of 2 will halve the order in the corresponding variable to which the series is computed.
Note: mtaylor restricts its domain to ``pure'' Taylor series, those series with non-negative powers in the variables.
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