DEtools[dfieldplot] - plot direction field to a system of DEs
Calling Sequence
dfieldplot(deqns, vars, trange, xrange, yrange, options)
list or set of first order ordinary differential equations
list or set of dependent variables
range of the independent variable
range of the first dependent variable
range of the second dependent variable
(optional) equations of the form keyword=value
Given either a system of two first order autonomous differential equations, or a single first order differential equation, dfieldplot produces a direction field plot. There can be only one independent variable.
Optional equations for dfieldplot are in the DEplot help page.
The xrange and yrange parameters must be specified as follows.
By default, integration along a solution curve stops one mesh point after the specified range is exceeded. This may be overridden by the obsrange option.
Example of a single non-autonomous first order differential equation:

Example of a system of two autonomous first order differential equations. This is the command to create the plot from the Plotting Guide.
![dfieldplot([diff(x(t), t) = x(t)*(1-y(t)), diff(y(t), t) = .3*y(t)*(x(t)-1)], [x(t), y(t)], t = -2 .. 2, x = -1 .. 2, y = -1 .. 2, arrows = SLIM, color = black, dirfield = [10, 10])](/support/helpjp/helpview.aspx?si=4990/file01321/math180.png)
See Also
DEplot, DEtools, DEtools[autonomous], DEtools[phaseportrait], dsolve[classical], dsolve[dverk78], dsolve[gear], dsolve[lsode], dsolve[numeric], dsolve[rkf45], plot, plots[odeplot]