DEtools[dperiodic_sols] - find doubly-periodic solutions of a linear ODE
Calling Sequence
dperiodic_sols(lode, v)
dperiodic_sols(coeff_list, x)
linear ODE in diff form
dependent variable of lode
list of coefficients of a linear ODE; specified in order of increasing differential order
independent variable of a linear ODE
The dperiodic_sols function seeks closed form solutions of linear ODEs having doubly-periodic coefficients. It returns either one or more doubly-periodic solutions to the linear ODE or provides a proof that no such solution exists.
In the case of an order two linear ODE, the dperiodic_sols function also seeks a general solution in terms of solutions that are doubly-periodic or doubly-periodic of the second kind.
The dperiodic_sols function returns, if possible, a list of one or more independent solutions. To find only doubly periodic solutions, set the environment variable _EnvDperiodicOnly to true.
The dperiodic_sols(lode, v) and dperiodic_sols(coeff_list, x) calling sequences are equivalent.
The dperiodic_sols(coeff_list, x) calling sequence is convenient for programming.

Special case of Lame equation (n=1).
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Kamke 2.74
![[JacobiSN(x, 3)-(4/3)*JacobiSN(x, 3)^3, (JacobiSN(x, 3)-(4/3)*JacobiSN(x, 3)^3)*(18*JacobiCN(x, 3)*JacobiSN(x, 3)/(JacobiDN(x, 3)^2+23/4)+9*JacobiCN(x, 3)*JacobiSN(x, 3)/(-1+JacobiDN(x, 3)^2))]](/support/helpjp/helpview.aspx?si=8687/file01322/math156.png)
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Kamke 2.73 (Only doubly periodic solutions).
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Burger, R.; Labahn, G.; and van Hoeij, M. "Closed form solutions of linear odes having elliptic functions as coefficients." Proceedings of ISSAC'04, Santander, Spain, ACM Press, (2004): 58-64.