prem - pseudo-remainder of polynomials
sprem - sparse pseudo-remainder of polynomials
Calling Sequence
prem(a, b, x, 'm', 'q')
sprem(a, b, x, 'm', 'q')
a, b
multivariate polynomials in the variable x
m, q
(optional) unevaluated names
The function prem returns the pseudo-remainder r such that
where and m (the multiplier) is:
If the fourth argument is present it is assigned the value of the multiplier m defined above. If the fifth argument is present, it is assigned the pseudo-quotient q defined above.
The function sprem has the same functionality as prem except that the multipler m will be to the power of the number of division steps performed rather than the degree difference. When sprem can be used it is preferred because it is more efficient.

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