Reading and Saving Procedures and Modules from Files
You can use a text editor to create procedure and module definitions in external files. The file must contain assignment statements: f := proc ... end proc;
The freely available text editor "vim" that runs on all platforms on which Maple runs, ships with a mode for Maple syntax highlighting. Additionally, the freely available text editor "emacs" that runs on all platforms on which Maple runs, has a major mode, maplev-mode, for Maple syntax highlighting, automatic indentation, syntax checking, and an interface to the Maple help system.
To read the file into a Maple session type: read filename;
Note: If filename contains any unusual characters it must be enclosed in double quotes ( ).
To save the contents of a Maple session into a file use the save name1, name2, ...namek, fileName command. For example, save a, b, c, "temp.m":. For specific instructions, see save.
Procedures can be read faster by saving them in Maple internal format, that is, saving the filename with the file extension . For example, save "f.m" and in a later session, read "f.m" For details, see file.