Interp - inert polynomial interpolation function
Calling Sequence
Interp(x, y, v)
Interp(x, y)
list or Vector of independent values, x[1],..x[n]
list or Vector of dependent values, y[1],..y[n]
variable name to be used in polynomial
The Interp function is a placeholder for polynomial interpolation. It is used in conjunction with mod and modp1.
The call Interp(x, y, v) mod p computes the polynomial of degree at most in the name v that interpolates the points (x[1],y[1]), (x[2], y[2]),..., (x[n], y[n]) mod p. The points must be from a finite field.
The call modp1(Interp(x, y), p) computes the interpolation polynomial in the modp1 representation where x and y must be lists.
All the independent values in x must be distinct. In other words, a particular value modulo p must not occur more than once in x.
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