networks[connect] - connects two sets of vertices in a graph
Calling Sequence
connect(S1, S2, G)
connect(S1, S2, weights=L1, G)
connect(S1, S2, names=L2, G)
connect(S1, S2, 'directed', G)
connect(S1, S2, 'weights'=L1, 'names'=L2, 'directed', G)
graph or network
vertex list or set from G
vertex list or set from G
list of edge weights
list of edge names
This procedure connects each vertex in S1 to a vertex in S2 with an edge. The names of the new edges are returned in an expression sequence.
If the 'directed' flag is included as an argument then all the edges are regarded as directed from S1 to S2. In all other cases, the edges are regarded as undirected.
Specific edge weights and names can be indicated by providing a list of weights (L1) and names (L1). In the case of more than one edge, it can be helpful to provide the vertices as lists rather than sets so that mapping to the edges is unaffected by the random ordering of elements in sets.
The lists L1 and L2 must contain entries where S1 and S2 contain c1 and c2 elements respectively.
This routine is normally loaded via the command with(networks) but may also be referenced using the full name networks[connect](...).
Important: The networks package has been deprecated. Use the superseding package GraphTheory instead.
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