External Code
The source code for many of the OpenMaple and define_external examples shown in these help pages is available in the samples directory of your Maple installation. In particular, samples/ExternalCall/HelpExamples/HelpExamples.c contains the source for all API function examples, and samples/OpenMaple/HelpExamples contains separate example C files for each StartMaple callback.
To build an OpenMaple application you need to specify the include path to maplec.h, which is found in the $MAPLE/extern/include directory. You also need to link to the maplec.lib (or libmaplec.so) library. The UNIX HelpExamples.c file also needs the standard C and standard math libraries, -lc and -lm, linked in. Before running your application make sure the appropriate path is set.
The following are sample command lines for building the sample program found in $MAPLE/samples/OpenMaple/simple for various platforms. Each command has two parts, the first line for setting the load-library search path, and the second for building the application. These all assume the environment variable $MAPLE is set to the Maple install directory (eg. MAPLE=/usr/local/maple).
O/S Environment Compile Command
Linux (64-bit) LD_LIBRARY_PATH= gcc simple.c -o simple
$MAPLE/bin.X86_64_LINUX -I$MAPLE/extern/include
Linux (32-bit) LD_LIBRARY_PATH= gcc simple.c -o simple
$MAPLE/bin.IBM_INTEL_LINUX -I$MAPLE/extern/include
Mac OS X DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH= gcc simple.c -o simple
(PPC, Intel, $MAPLE/ -I$MAPLE/extern/include
and 64-bit) -lmaplec -lmaple -lgmp -lhf
Solaris LD_LIBRARY_PATH= cc simple.c -o simple
$MAPLE/bin.SUN_SPARC_SOLARIS -I$MAPLE/extern/include
Windows (32-bit) PATH= cl simple.c -Fe:simple.exe
$MAPLE/bin.win -I$MAPLE/extern/include
Windows (64-bit) PATH= cl simple.c -Fe:simple.exe
$MAPLE/bin.X86_64_WINDOWS -I$MAPLE/extern/include
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