RandomTools Flavor: float - describe a flavor of a random floating-point number
Calling Sequence
equation(s) of the form option = value where option is one of range, digits, or method; specify options for the random floating-point number
The flavor float describes a random floating-point number in a particular range.
To describe a flavor of a random floating-point number, use either float or float(opts) (where opts is described following) as the argument to RandomTools[Generate] or as part of a structured flavor.
By default, the flavor float describes a random floating-point number logarithmically distributed in the range epsilon..1.0 - epsilon, inclusive, where epsilon = 10e-Digits.
You can modify the properties of the random floating-point number by using the float(opts) form of this flavor. The opts argument can contain one or more of the following equations.
This option specifies the range from which the random float is chosen. The range endpoints a and b are numeric and either a >= 0.0 or b <= 0.0. All numerics are evaluated by using the setting of the digits option.
If , an exception is raised.
This option specifies a positive integer to use as the Digits setting. The default setting is the current setting of the Digits environment variable.
method = uniform or logarithmic
This option specifies whether the floating-point number should be chosen logarithmically or uniformly from the interval.
The logarithmic method is identical to listing all of the unique floating-point numbers that are found between the endpoints, and then choosing one of these randomly.
The uniform method is similar to sampling from a uniform distribution that is bounded by the endpoints, and then converting this result into a floating-point number.
The default value for this option is logarithmic.
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![[0.8010929594e-9, 0.3663573095e-4, 0.5670977221e-7, 0.1831937262e-1, 0.4324033882e-7, 0.6183108282e-1, 0.8394083871e-1, 0.4646025782e-3, 0.7467275627e-6, 0.6955563440e-3]](/support/helpjp/helpview.aspx?si=8986/file06415/math182.png)
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