Export a Plot
Export an inline Maple plot to one of the following formats: DXF, EPS, GIF/ANIMATED-GIF, JPEG/JPG, POV, Windows BMP, DAE, X3D, X3D Geometry, or WMF.
Select the plot you want to export.
From the Plot menu, select Export.
Alternatively, right-click (Control-click, for Macintosh) the plot you want to export. The context menu appears. Select Export.
Specify the location and the name of the exported file.
Formats that do not support multiple frames output only the current frame of an animation.
The transparency option is ignored when exporting plot. For information about the transparency option, see plot,options and plot3d,option.
Animations in Maple can be exported as animated GIFs. Select Graphics Interchange Format from the list of formats under the Export menu item.
Since the GIF format has a maximum number of colors that it can cope with, it should not, in general, be used for plots where shading or transparency are used. This includes most 3-D plots. In these cases, JPEG is a good alternative.