Student[LinearAlgebra][CrossProductPlot] - plot the cross product of two vectors
Calling Sequence
CrossProductPlot(u, v, opts)
3-D Vector
3-D Vector
plotting options or equation(s) of the form option=value where option is one of crossoptions, vectorcolors, vectoroptions, or Student[plot options]; specify options for the plot
The CrossProductPlot(u,v) command displays two 3-D Vectors u and v and their cross product .
The opts argument can contain any of the Student plot options or any of the following equations that set plot options.
crossoptions = list(algebraic)
A list of options for the plot of the cross product u &x v. For more information on arrow plot options, see plot/arrow. [Default: solid arrow]
vectorcolors = [color, color, color]
A list of colors for u, v, and u &x v. For more information on plot color options, see plot/color. [Default: [red, blue, magenta]].
vectoroptions = list(algebraic)
A list of options for the plot of the two vectors u and v. For more information on arrow plot options, see plot/arrow. [Default: solid arrow]
The default caption is constructed from the parameters and the command options. caption = "" disables the default caption. For more information about specifying a caption , see plot/typesetting.
The commands to create the plot from the Plotting Guide are
| (1) |
| (2) |
| (3) |
<2, -1, 4> &x <3, -2, 1> =
<7, 10, -1>
| |