Statistics[Rank] - rank data items according to their numeric values
Calling Sequence
Rank(X, options)
data sample
(optional) equation(s) of the form option=value where option is one of order or output; specify options for the Rank function
For a data set X of size n, the Rank command ranks the elements of X according to their floating-point values.
By default, an array of ranks is returned, that is an array of distinct integers between 1 and n. By default the elements of X are ranks in the ascending order. Note that if i is different from j then and will receive distinct ranks even if data[i] = data[j].
The first parameter X is the data set (list or Array).
The options argument can contain one or more of the options shown below.
order=ascending or descending -- Indicate whether the elements of X should be ranked in the ascending or descending order. The default value is order=ascending.
output=table -- By default (output=rtable) different elements of X receive different ranks even if the two elements have the same numeric value. If this option is set to output=table then the elements of X will be ranked according to their position in the sorted sample with all multiple occurrences removed.
Each element of X can be any Maple expression, but this expression must be able to be evaluated to a floating-point number. Failure to evaluate to do so will generate an exception.
If the output option is set to output=table all elements in X must be of type numeric.
The Rank command leaves the original data set X unchanged.
| (1) |
Rank the elements of A in the ascending order.
| (2) |
Reorder the elements of A according to their ranks.
| (3) |
Reorder the elements of A in the descending order.
| (4) |
| (5) |
Build the ranks table.
| (6) |
| (7) |
| (8) |