StringTools[LowerCase] - change each alphabetic character in a string to lowercase
StringTools[UpperCase] - change each alphabetic character in a string to uppercase
StringTools[OtherCase] - change each alphabetic character in a string to the alternate case
Calling Sequence
LowerCase( s, rng )
UpperCase( s, rng )
OtherCase( s, rng )
Maple string
(optional) integer range
The LowerCase(s) calling sequence changes each alphabetic character in the string s to lowercase and returns the result in a new string. The string s remains unchanged.
The UpperCase(s) calling sequence changes each alphabetic character in the string s to uppercase and returns the result in a new string. The string s remains unchanged.
The OtherCase(s) calling sequence changes each alphabetic character in the string s to the opposite case and returns the result in a new string. The string s remains unchanged.
These commands all accept an optional, second argument rng, a range that specifies a substring of the input s to be affected by the operation. Only characters within the given range are changed.
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Note that LowerCase and UpperCase are not mutual inverses.
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However, LowerCase(UpperCase(Lowercase(s))) = LowerCase(s) for every s.
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The OtherCase command is an involution.
| (19) |