RegularChains[FastArithmeticTools][BivariateModularTriangularize] - triangular decomposition of a bivariate square system by a modular method
Calling Sequence
BivariateModularTriangularize(F, R)
polynomial ring
bivariate square system of R
The command BivariateModularTriangularize(F, R) returns a triangular decomposition of F in R. See the command Triangularize and the page RegularChains for the concept of a triangular decompostion.
F consists of two bivariate polynomials f1 and f2 of R. No other assumptions are required.
R must have only two variables and no parameters.
The algorithm is deterministic (i.e. non-probabilistic) and uses modular techniques together with asymptotically fast polynomial arithmetic.
When both Triangularize and BivariateModularTriangularize apply, the latter command is very likely to outperform the former one.
Define a ring of polynomials.
| (1) |
Define two polynomials of R.
| (2) |
| (3) |
Compute a triangular decomposition of this system
| (4) |

| (5) |
Check the number of solutions
| (6) |
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