MultiSeries[AddFunction] - add new function definition to MultiSeries
MultiSeries[RemoveFunction] - remove function definition from MultiSeries
MultiSeries[GetFunction] - get function definition from MultiSeries
MultiSeries[FunctionSupported] - check if a function definition is supported in MultiSeries
Calling Sequence
AddFunction(g, f)
function name
The AddFunction(g, f) command, a library extension mechanism, adds a definition related to the function g to MultiSeries, where f is a user-defined procedure which handles multiseries containing the function g.
For example, let f be a user-defined function for g. To add this information to the multiseries function, use AddFunction(g, eval(f,1)).
The RemoveFunction(g) command removes a definition related to the function g from the multiseries function.
For example, to remove the information from the multiseries function, use RemoveFunction(g).
The GetFunction(g) command returns a procedure related to the function g, provided that such a procedure exists. Otherwise, it returns NULL.
The FunctionSupported(g) command returns true if a definition of the function g is known to the multiseries function. It returns false otherwise.
MultiSeries does not know about function mysin:

| (1) |
Let the function mysin act as sin (using AddFunction and GetFunction):
Try MultiSeries[series] on mysin

| (2) |
Now remove the knowledge of sin from MultiSeries (using function RemoveFunction)
| (3) |
| (4) |
Get back to original state:
| (5) |
| (6) |
| (7) |

| (8) |
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