LieAlgebras[DirectSumOfRepresentations] - form the direct sum representation for a pair of representations of a Lie algebra
Calling Sequences
DirectSum(R, W)
R - a list R = [rho1, rho2, ...] of representations rho1, rho2, ... of a Lie algebra g on vector spaces V1, V2, ...
W - a Maple name or string, the name of the frame for the representation space for the direct sum representation
Let W = V1 + V2 + ... (direct sum). The command DirectSum(R, W) returns the representation phi on W defined by phi(x)(y) = rho1(x)(y1) + rho2(x)(y2) + ..., where y = y1 + y2 + ..., y1 in V1, y2 in V2, ... and x in g.
Example 1.
Define the standard representation and the adjoint representation for sl2. Then form the direct sum representation. First, setup the representation spaces.
V1 >
V2 >
W1 >
Define the standard representation.
W2 >
| (2.1) |
W2 >
| (2.2) |
W2 >
| (2.3) |
sl2 >
| (2.4) |
Define the adjoint representation.
sl2 >
| (2.5) |
Define the direct sum representation of rho1 and rho2.
sl2 >
| (2.6) |
sl2 >
| (2.7) |
Define the direct sum of 3 copies of rho1.
sl2 >
| (2.8) |
sl2 >
| (2.9) |
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