plottools[transform] - generate procedure to transform plots
Calling Sequence
The transform command generates a procedure that can be used to change plot data structures by applying the procedure f to all the points in the plot structure.
The procedure f represents a mapping
where m and n can take values 2 or 3. The procedure must take as input m arguments and output a list of n components.
Examples of the use of this command include embedding two-dimensional plots into three-dimensional space, changing coordinate systems or transforming curves in the complex plane into the Riemann Sphere.
The result of a call to transform is a procedure that takes a 2-D or 3-D plot data structure as parameter. You can assign the procedure to a variable, and apply the procedure to various plots. For more information about plot data structures, see plot/structure.
The transform command is usually used with [m, n] equal to [2, 2], [2, 3], or [3, 3]. It returns a transformation procedure in the case where m is 3 and n is 2. However, this procedure works only on those 3-D plot objects that have 2-D counterparts.
If the transform command is applied to a shape, such as an arrow, the polygons that make up the shape may not render correctly when all of the points in a plot structure are transformed. To create a shape based on transformed coordinates, it is recommended that you transform the coordinates and then generate the shape from those coordinates.
Draw contour plots onto axes of 3-D plots.
Change coordinate systems.