Student[VectorCalculus][ConvertVector] - converts Cartesian free Vectors, rooted Vectors and position Vectors among themselves
Calling Sequence
ConvertVector(v,form, root )
'Vector'(algebraic); the Cartesian free Vector, rooted Vector or position Vector to convert
name; specify the type of Vector to be converted to: free, rooted or position
(optional) list(algebraic) or Vector(algebraic); root point of the converted Vector
The ConvertVector command converts Cartesian free Vectors, rooted Vectors and position Vectors among themselves by specifying the desired type. If v is not a Cartesian Vector, an error is raised.
If form is rooted, the root point can be specified as a list or a free Vector with the extra optional parameter root. If root is a list, it is interpreted in Cartesian coordinates, if it is a free Vector in non-Cartesian coordinates, an appropiate transformation is made to obtain a Cartesian root.
If form is rooted, v is a free, rooted or position Vector and root is provided, the result is the Vector rooted at root.
If form is rooted, v is a position Vector and root is not provided, then the Vector is rooted at the Cartesian origin.
If form is rooted, v is a free Vector and root is not provided, an error is raised.
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