Statistics[Sort] - sort numeric data
Calling Sequence
Sort(X, options)
data sample
(optional) equation(s) of the form option=value where option is one of order or unique; specify options for the Sort function
The Sort command sorts the elements of X according to their numeric values.
The first parameter X is the data set (list or Array).
The options argument can contain one or more of the options shown below.
order=ascending or descending -- Indicates whether the elements of X should be sorted in the ascending or descending order. The default value is order=ascending.
unique=truefalse -- If this option is set to true, all multiple occurrences of elements from X will be removed. The default value is unique=false. Note that if this option is set to unique=true then all elements of X must be of type float.
Although the Sort command accepts non-numeric data, maple must be able to compute floating-point values for all elements in X. If the unique option is set to unique=true all elements in X must be of type numeric.
The Sort command creates a copy of the original data.
![A := Array([sin(1), .9092974268, .8414709848, .1411200081, -.9589242747, .9092974268, .1411200081, -.2794154982])](/support/helpjp/helpview.aspx?si=6783/file02945/math138.png)
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![B := Array([-.9589242747, -.2794154982, .1411200081, .1411200081, .8414709848, sin(1), .9092974268, .9092974268])](/support/helpjp/helpview.aspx?si=6783/file02945/math145.png)
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![Array([-.9589242747, -.2794154982, .1411200081, .1411200081, .8414709848, .8414709848, .9092974268, .9092974268])](/support/helpjp/helpview.aspx?si=6783/file02945/math152.png)
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![B := Array([.8414709848, .9092974268, .8414709848, .1411200081, -.9589242747, .9092974268, .1411200081, -.2794154982])](/support/helpjp/helpview.aspx?si=6783/file02945/math166.png)
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![[-.9589242747, -.2794154982, .1411200081, .1411200081, .8414709848, .8414709848, .9092974268, .9092974268]](/support/helpjp/helpview.aspx?si=6783/file02945/math194.png)
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