Insert a Hyperlink
Use a hyperlink in your worksheet to quickly access related information in any of the following:
Inserting a Hyperlink in the Worksheet
To insert a hyperlink in the worksheet:
Position the cursor in a text region where you want to insert a hyperlink or select text to be converted to a hyperlink.
If you positioned your cursor in a text region, from the Insert menu, select Hyperlink. If you want to convert a text selection to a hyperlink, from the Format menu, select Convert To and then Hyperlink.
In the Hyperlink Properties dialog box, if not displayed, enter the text of the hyperlink name in the Link Text edit field.
Optionally, use an image as the link. Select the Include an Image check box and Browse for the correct file. In .mw files the image appears as the link, while in .mws files, the Link Text you entered appears as the link.
Linking to an Email Address
To link to an email address:
Select Email from the Type drop-down list.
Enter the email address in the Target field.
Enter the text you want to display as the link in the Link Text field.
Linking to a Dictionary Topic
To link to a Dictionary topic:
Select Dictionary Topic from the Type drop-down list.
Enter a topic name in the Target field. Dictionary topics begin with the prefix Definition/, for example, Definition/dimension.
Enter the text you want to display as the link in the Link Text field.
Linking to a Help Topic
Select Help Topic from the Type drop-down list.
Enter a topic name in the Target field.
(Optional) Select a bookmark as a link from the Bookmark drop-down list.
Enter the text you want to display as the link in the Link Text field.
Tip: To ensure that the hyperlink goes to the intended help page, use the exact topic name rather than an alias. When you view a help page, the topic name is given in the title bar of the Help window. For instance, the topic name of this help page is worksheet,managing,linking.
Linking to a Maplet Application
To link to a Maplet application:
Select Maplet from the Type drop-down list.
In the Target field, enter the local path to a file with the .maplet extension. Optionally, click Browse to locate the file.
If the Maplet application exists, clicking the link launches the Maplet application. If the Maplet application contains syntax errors, then error messages are displayed in a pop-up window.
Enter the text you want to display as the link in the Link Text field.
Note: To link to a Maplet application available on a MapleNet web page, use the URL hyperlink type to link to the web page.
Linking to a Task
Select Task from the Type drop-down list.
Enter the path and filename of the help page in the Target field.
Enter the text you want to display as the link in the Link Text field.
Linking to a Web Page (URL)
Select URL from the Type drop-down list.
Enter the URL in the Target field.
Enter the text you want to display as the link in the Link Text field.
Linking to a Worksheet
Select Worksheet from the Type drop-down list.
In the Target field, enter the path and filename of the worksheet or click Browse to locate the file.
(Optional) Select a bookmark as a link from the Bookmark drop-down list.
Enter the text you want to display as the link in the Link Text field.