Translation of Maple Worksheets to HTML or HTML with MathML
The following information describes what happens when a Maple worksheet is exported as HTML.
Using Frames
Maple worksheets that are exported to HTML translate into multiple documents when using frames. The frames capability organizes the Maple pages into HTML documents that contain mathematical content and a Table of Contents.
One main page is created, plus one for each collapsed section in the Maple worksheet.
The Table of Contents contains entries for each section in the original worksheet.
Non-Frames Version
If the HTML frames feature is not selected, only one page that contains the worksheet contents is created.
A Table of Contents is created but appears in the same file.
Sections in Worksheets
A link is created in the Table of Contents file for each section in your Maple worksheet. Clicking this link moves you to the beginning of the section.
Collapsed Sections
In the frames version only, each collapsed section in a Maple worksheet is converted to a separate HTML document, with a corresponding link from the main HTML page.
In the non-frames version, the worksheet is exported as is, specifically, collapsed sections remain collapsed and their contents are not included.
Expanded Sections
Expanded sections in Maple worksheets are embedded in the main HTML document.
Translation of Other Formats and Features
Objects in a Maple worksheet are converted to other formats, described as follows:
Animations are converted to animated GIFs. If you adjust the speed for an animation in the worksheet, the adjusted speed is used in the HTML document.
Embedded images and plots are converted to GIFs.
HTML - Formatted mathematical output are converted to GIFs, with each line of mathematical notation corresponding to a separate GIF.
Hyperlinks to help pages are converted to plain text in HTML.
Hyperlinks in worksheets are converted to links to HTML files. The links are renamed to be compatible with HTML. For example, a link in a Maple worksheet to a file named "example.mws" is converted to an html link to the file "example.html".
Page breaks that are entered manually in Maple are not exported to HTML.
Sketch output is converted to a GIF.
Spreadsheets are converted to HTML tables.
Superscripts and subscripts are exported correctly.
Worksheet styles are approximated by HTML style attributes on a text-object-by-text-object basis.
Note: When exporting Maple worksheets as HTML files, you should configure your machine to display at least 256 colors, since GIFs accept 256 colors.