Perform a Topic Search
Topic searches in the Maple help system locate information based on a specified topic. Topic searches are not case-sensitive.
From the main menu of the worksheet window, select Help and then Maple Help. The Help Navigator opens.
In the Search for region, click the Topic radio button. (By default, the Topic button is selected.)
In the blank search field, enter the topic (or a similar word) on which you want to base the search.
From the Resources drop-down list, select which areas of the help system to search or the default, All.
Click the Search button or simply press ENTER in the search field. Results include pages that contain topics listed in the search. The mostly likely match is displayed in the right pane.
To display potential matches in the right pane:
Click a topic preceded by an icon.
Question mark indicates a help page.
WS indicates an example worksheet. Example worksheets open in a new window.
T indicates a Task template.
Topic searches ignore spaces. Type only one word. Rather than "solving an equation", try "solve" or "solvingequations."
Try searching for only part of the topic. If "Liealgebra" finds no matches, try "Lie."
The syntax "topic,subtopic" is used by Maple's help system. Commands inside a package are indexed in this way.
Maple's help system recognizes camel-case, so "Linearalgebra" and "LinearAlgebra" may return different results.
Topic searches are not case-sensitive in the first letter.