Student[Calculus1][IntTutor] - solve an integration problem step-by-step
Calling Sequence
IntTutor(f, var)
IntTutor(f, var=a..b)
(optional) algebraic expression in one variable var
(optional) variable or integration
a, b
(optional) endpoints of interval on which the integral is taken
The IntTutor(f) command launches a tutor interface that solves the integration of f with respect to var step-by-step. If f is either an expression of the form Int(g, ...) or a call int(g, ...) that Maple returns unevaluated, the tutor solves the integration of g.
If f is not specified, IntTutor uses a default function.
If var is not specified, the integration is performed with respect to one of the variables used in f.