tensor[Lie_diff] - compute the Lie derivative of a tensor with respect to a contravariant vector field
Calling Sequence
Lie_diff( T, V, coord)
tensor whose Lie derivative is to be computed
contravariant vector field with respect to which the derivative is being taken
list of coordinate names
Given the coordinate variables, coord, a contravariant vector field V, and any tensor T, Lie_diff(T, V, coord) computes the Lie derivative of T with respect to the vector field V using the usual partial derivatives of T and V according to the standard formula:
![Lv(T[a, b, c, `...`, l, m, n, `...`]) := T[a, b, c, `...`, l, m, n, `...`], q*V[q]-T[q, b, c, `...`, l, m, n, `...`]*V[a], q-T[a, q, c, `...`, l, m, n, `...`]*V[b], q-T[a, b, q, `...`, l, m, n, `...`]*V[c], q-`....`+T[a, b, c, `...`, q, m, n, `...`]*V[q], l+T[a, b, c, `...`, l, q, n, `...`]*V[q], m+T[a, b, c, `...`, l, m, q, `...`]*V[q], n+`...`](/support/helpjp/helpview.aspx?si=4895/file04508/math80.png)
where the comma denotes a partial derivative, a, b, c, ... are contravariant indices of T and l, m, n, ... are covariant indices of T, and * indicates an inner product on the repeated indices.
It is required that V be a tensor_type with character: [1] (that is, V is a contravariant vector field)
Note that the rank and index character of the result is identical to that of the input tensor, T.
Simplification: This routine uses the routine `tensor/Lie_diff/simp` routine for simplification purposes. The simplification routine is applied twice to each component: first, to the first term involving the inner product of the partial of T and the vector V, and second to the entire component once all of the subsequent terms have been added on. By default, this routine is initialized to the `tensor/simp` routine. It is recommended that the `tensor/Lie_diff/simp` routine be customized to suit the needs of the particular problem.
This function is part of the tensor package, and so can be used in the form Lie_diff(..) only after performing the command with(tensor) or with(tensor, Lie_diff). The function can always be accessed in the long form tensor[Lie_diff](..).
Define a mixed rank 2 tensor type, T:
| (1) |
Define a contravariant vector field, V:
| (2) |
Define the coordinates:
| (3) |
Because the components of T and V involve trigonometric functions, customize the `tensor/Lie_diff/simp` routine so that it uses the `trig` option of the Maple simplify:
`tensor/Lie_diff/simp`:=proc(x) simplify(x,trig) end proc:
Now compute the Lie derivative of T with respect to the field V:
![LvT := TABLE([index_char = [1, -1], compts = matrix([[r*sin(theta)+r^2*cos(theta)^2+phi^3*cos(theta), phi^2*(3*r*cos(phi)-phi-phi*r*sin(theta)), 0], [3*phi^2*r*cos(phi)-r*sin(theta)*cos(theta)+phi^3*r*sin(theta)+phi^3+r*cos(theta)-cos(theta)^3+r^3*cos(phi), r+2*sin(theta)*cos(theta)^2*r-phi^3*cos(theta), -r^3*(-3-r*sin(theta)+r*sin(phi))], [-r*sin(theta)*cos(phi)+r^3*cos(theta)+9*cos(phi), 3*r^3-phi^3*cos(phi)+r^4*sin(phi)-r^4*sin(theta), 0]])])](/support/helpjp/helpview.aspx?si=4895/file04508/math182.png)
| (4) |