Student[Precalculus][LimitPlot] - plot the limiting behavior of the values of a function as the indeterminate approaches a point
Calling Sequence
LimitPlot(f, pt, opts)
algebraic expression in at most one variable
constant or expression of the form name = constant where name is the indeterminate in f. The default is 0
(optional) equation(s) of the form option = value where option is one of animation, functionoptions, pointoptions and limitpointoptions; specify output options
The LimitPlot(f, pt) command displays an animation or plot that demonstrates the limiting behavior of the curve f as the indeterminate approaches the point pt.
The optional parameters opts specify the desired options for the resulting plot. The available options are:
Specifies whether to animate the plot. The default value is true.
Specifies the plot options for f.
Specifies the plot options for the successive approximation points. See also the following limitpointoptions option.
Specifies the plot options for the limit point. See also the preceding pointoptions option.
The default caption is constructed from the parameters and the command options. caption = "" disables the default caption. For more information about specifying a caption , see plot/typesetting.
For information on including additional plot option(s), see the plot help page.
For information on how to change the default colors, see the Student[SetColors] help page.