Gausselim - inert Gaussian elimination
Gaussjord - inert Gauss Jordan elimination
Calling Sequence
Gausselim(A) mod p
Gaussjord(A) mod p
Gausselim(A, 'r', 'd') mod p
Gaussjord(A, 'r', 'd') mod p
(optional) for returning the rank of A
(optional) for returning the determinant of A
an integer, the modulus
The Gausselim and Gaussjord functions are placeholders for representing row echelon forms of the rectangular matrix A.
The commands Gausselim(A,...) mod p and Gassjord(A,...) mod p apply Gaussian elimination with row pivoting to A, a rectangular matrix over a finite ring of characteristic p. This includes finite fields, GF(p), the integers mod p, and GF(p^k) where elements of GF(p^k) are expressed as polynomials in RootOfs.
The result of the Gausselim command is a an upper triangular matrix B in row echelon form. The result of the Gaussjord command is also an upper triangular matrix B but in reduced row echelon form.
If an optional second parameter is specified, and it is a name, it is assigned the rank of the matrix A.
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