Compatibility Issues in Maple 6
The following is a brief description of the compatibility issues that affect users upgrading from Maple V Release 5 to Maple 6.
To upgrade Release 5 source code files to Maple 6, use the updtsrc utility. This utility automatically upgrades Release 5 source code files to Maple 6.
Renamed Routines
The numtheory[bernoulli], numtheory[euler], numtheory[ifactor], numtheory[ifactors], numtheory[isolve], numtheory[isprime], numtheory[ithprime], numtheory[nextprime], and numtheory[prevprime] functions have been renamed the bernoulli, euler, ifactor, ifactors, isolve, isprime, ithprime, nextprime, and prevprime functions.
Obsolete Packages and Functions
The asubs function is now a compatibility function that calls the algsubs function. Do not use the old asubs function in new code.
The command commutat and its associate functions c, convert(..., c), expand(..., c), and simplify(..., c) have been removed.
The evalgf command has been removed. Its functionality is superseded by the mod operator.
The logic package has been removed.
The totorder package has been removed. Its functionality is superseded by the assume facility.
The unload command has been removed.
The readlib command has been removed. For details, see the persistent store section of the updates,Maple6,language page
The verify command has drastically changed syntax. For the new syntax, see the verify help page.
Numerics-related Changes
Floating-point numbers as well as the values of Float(infinity), Float(undefined), complex infinity, and undefined are now parts of the numeric system in Maple. Also, floating-point zero is signed to determine branch cuts of functions. For more information, see infinity, undefined, type/infinity, and undefined.
Complex numbers are now genuine numbers, not sums of real and imaginary parts as they were before. Therefore, complex numbers in Maple now exhibit the following behavior:
| (1) |
| (2) |
It is recommended to use the new idiom hastype(expr, nonreal) instead of the old has(expr, I).
Matrices, ., and ||
The name-forming operator . has been replaced by the operator ||, which retains the same functionality. For more details, see concatenation.
New Keywords and Names
The new protected built-in function names are: ArrayOptions, CopySign, exports, NumericClass, NumericEvent, NumericEventHandler, NumericStatus, OrderedNE, rtable, rtable_indfns, rtable_num_dims, rtable_num_elems, rtable_options, Scale10, selectremove, trace, and Unordered.
The following are new protected library function names: apply, ArrayDims, ArrayElems, ArrayIndFns, ArrayNumDims, ArrayNumElems, ChebyshevT, ChebyshevU, CheckArgs, CylinderD, CylinderU, CylinderV, foldl, foldr, GegenbauerC, HermiteH, JacobiP, LaguerreL, Matrix, MatrixOptions, ProcessOptions, radfield, ratinterp, requires, rtable_dims, rtable_elems, selectfun, Vector, VectorOptions, and verify.
The error message from series `division by zero` has been changed to "division by zero series".
Angle brackets (< and >) are now used for forming the Vectors and Matrices used by the new LinearAlgebra package.
Operations with univariate and bivariate polynomials modulo a prime number (modp1 and modp2 commands) now require that indeterminates be specified.
Parametrized name conventions are now consistent throughout Maple. _Z stands for integers, _NN for non-negative integers, and _N for natural (positive) integers.
allvalues now returns symbolic instead of numeric answers.
simplify(<constant>(expression)) now returns <constant>.
unapply no longer does automatic simplifications. This behavior is new:
| (3) |
X11 resources on Unix systems start now with Maple6, not MapleV.
Obsolete Syntax
The digraphs (* and *) for { and }, and (| and |) for [ and ] have been removed since modern keyboards now have the appropriate symbols.