Student[LinearAlgebra][ZeroMatrix] - construct a zero Matrix
Student[LinearAlgebra][ZeroVector] - construct a zero Vector
Calling Sequence
ZeroMatrix(r, c, options)
ZeroVector[o](d, options)
(optional) non-negative integer; row dimension of the resulting Matrix
(optional) non-negative integer; column dimension of the resulting Matrix
(optional) non-negative integer; dimension of the resulting Vector
(optional) use either [row] or [column] to specify the orientation of the resulting Vector
(optional) parameters; for a complete list, see LinearAlgebra[ZeroMatrix]
The ZeroMatrix(r, c) command returns an Matrix in which all the entries are zero.
The ZeroMatrix(r, r) command returns an Matrix in which all the entries are zero.
The ZeroMatrix() command returns an Matrix.
The ZeroVector(d) command returns a d-dimensional Vector in which all the entries are zero.
The ZeroVector[row](d) command behaves like ZeroVector(d) except that a row Vector is returned. If the orientation option is omitted or if ZeroVector[column](d) is used, a column Vector is returned.
If the dimension is not provided, it defaults to zero.
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