StringTools[ToByteArray] - convert a string to an array of bytes
StringTools[FromByteArray] - convert a string from an array of bytes
Calling Sequence
ToByteArray( s )
FromByteArray( a )
string; Maple string
Array; one-dimensional array with data type
The ToByteArray(s) command converts a Maple string to an array of bytes, that is, an Array with data type equal to . The resulting array is equivalent to one constructed using the expression Array( convert( s, 'bytes' ), 'datatype' = 'integer'[ 1 ], 'order' = 'C_order' ).
The FromByteArray(a) command converts a byte array to a string. The argument a must be a rectangular-storage, one-dimensional Array with data type and C order. The string formed from the bytes in the array up to, but not including, the first zero entry (if any) is returned.
| (1) |
Array(1 .. 3,{1 = 102, 2 = 111, 3 = 111},datatype = integer[1],storage = rectangular,order = C_order)
| |
| (2) |