RegularChains[FastArithmeticTools][NormalizePolynomialDim0] - normalize a polynomial w.r.t a 0-dim regular chain
Calling Sequence
NormalizePolynomialDim0(f, rc, R)
a polynomial ring
a regular chain of R
polynomial of R
The command NormalizePolynomialDim0 returns a normalized form of f w.r.t. rc, that is, a polynomial which is associated to f modulo rc, such that is normalized w.r.t. rc.
rc is zero-dimensional regular chain, and f together with rc forms a zero-dimensional regular chain.
We consider two bivariate polynomials and want to compute their common solutions
We first compute their subresultant chain using FFT techniques
| (1) |
We deduce their resultants
| (2) |
We observe below that no root of r2 cancels the leading coefficients of f1 or f2. Hence, any roots of r2 can be extended into a solution of the system by a GCD computation.
| (3) |
We define the regular chain consisting of r2
| (4) |
We compute the GCD of f1 and f2 modulo r2
![g2 := [[x*y^2+x*y+2*x+y^2+y+2+x^3, regular_chain], [x*y^2+x*y+2*x+y^2+y+2+x^3, regular_chain]]](/support/helpjp/helpview.aspx?si=6448/file06494/math187.png)
| (5) |
We normalize this GCD w.r.t. r2 which leads to a simpler expression with one as leading coefficient
| (6) |
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