Overview of Drawing Menu
The Drawing menu is available when the cursor resides in a Maple canvas in a worksheet. You can use this menu to lay out, align, and manipulate objects that you insert in the canvas.
You first select the object(s) that you want to manipulate in the canvas, and then select one of the following menu items:
Move Forward - If you have multiple objects in the canvas, this option moves the selected object one position in front of other objects.
Move To Front - Moves the selected object in front of all the other objects in the canvas.
Move Backward - If you have multiple objects in the canvas, this option moves the selected object one position behind the other objects.
Move To Back - Moves the selected object behind all of the other objects in the canvas.
Align Horizontal - Aligns multiple selected objects horizontally in the canvas.
Align Vertical - Aligns multiple selected objects vertically in the canvas.
Match Size - Increases or reduces the size of all of the objects selected in the canvas so that they are the same size as the last object you sized.
Reset Rotation - If you rotated an object, this option restores the default orientation of the selected object.