StringTools[IsPrefix] - test for an initial substring
StringTools[IsSuffix] - test for a terminal substring
Calling Sequence
IsPrefix( s, t )
IsSuffix( s, t )
The IsPrefix( s, t ) command determines whether s is a prefix (initial substring) of t.
The string s is a prefix of the string t if , for some integer , or s is the empty string.
If s is a prefix of t, IsPrefix returns true. Otherwise, false is returned.
Note: The IsPrefix( s, t ) command is equivalent to the expression
member( s, [ seq( t[ 1 .. i ], i = 0 .. length( t ) ) ] ).
The IsSuffix( s, t ) command determines whether s is a suffix (terminal substring) of t.
If s is a suffix of t, IsSuffix returns true. Otherwise, false is returned.
Note: The IsSuffix( s, t ) command is equivalent to the expression
member( s, [ seq( t[ i .. -1 ], i = 1 .. 1 + length( t ) ) ] )
Thread Safety
The StringTools[IsPrefix] and StringTools[IsSuffix] commands are thread-safe as of Maple 15.
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