2-D Math
2-D math is the default setting in Worksheet Mode and Document Mode. It is executable standard math notation displayed in a format similar to that found in business and education documents.
Maple Input is executable (1-D math) Maple notation, usually a mathematical expression that Maple can evaluate.
Basic Usage: 2-D Math and 1-D Math Input
2-D Math
Default setting. Executable standard math notation.
You do not require a semicolon or colon to terminate the command or expression.
Access from the Insert>2-D Math menu.
To switch between 1-D and 2-D math, press the F5 key or click the Math mode icon.
When using 2-D math, the Math mode icon is highlighted in the toolbar.
In Worksheet and Document modes with 2-D math, the cursor appears with a gray underbar and the input font is black. To change the appearance of 2-D math, modify the character styles 2D Input (for Worksheet mode) and 2D Math (for Document mode).
1-D Math
Executable Maple notation. Usually an expression that Maple can evaluate.
Important: All 1-D commands must terminate with a semicolon or colon.
Access from the Insert>Maple Input menu.
To switch between 1-D and 2-D math , press the F5 key or click the Text mode icon.
When entering Maple input and text, the Text mode icon is highlighted in the toolbar.
In Worksheet and Document modes with 1-D math, the input font is red.
Executing 2-D Math
Worksheet Mode
All 2-D math in a worksheet can be executed and displayed by pressing the Enter key.
For 2-D math in Document Blocks in a worksheet, see the following section.
Document Mode
Execute 2-D math in Document Mode and Document Blocks by using any of the following methods.
Press Ctrl+= (Command + =, for Macintosh). This evaluates and displays results inline.
Use the Edit menu item Evaluate and Display Inline. (This can also be invoked through the context-sensitive menu.)
Use the Edit menu item Evaluate.
Press Enter. This evaluates and displays results on the next line or, if set in the Options dialog, simply evaluates.
The dual behavior of the Enter key in Document mode and Document blocks is set in the Display tab of Options dialog.
To display output when using the Enter key:
1. From the Tools menu, select Options. The Options dialog opens.
2. Click the Display tab.
3. Select the Display output from Evaluate (Document Block) check box.
4. Click Apply to Session.
Using a Palette with 2-D Math Input
To use a palette with 2-D math:
1. Ensure the palette you require is visible. If necessary, from the View menu, select Palettes, and then Arrange Palettes.
2. With your mouse, click a palette expression. The expression is displayed in 2-D math notation in the execution group of the worksheet.
4. The first option is highlighted. Enter your expression, and if necessary use the Tab key to move to the next item.
Palettes make entering expressions more efficient and reduce the possibility of introducing typing errors.
Your worksheet uses standard notation for mathematical content.
Converting 1-D to 2-D Math
To convert 1-D to 2-D math:
1. Enter an expression in 1-D math notation. (Press F5 to switch between 1-D and 2-D math.)
2. Select the expression and then right-click (Control-click, for Macintosh) to open the context menu.
3. Select Convert To, and then 2-D Math Input. The expression is now displayed in 2-D math input notation.
4. Press Enter to evaluate the expression.
Important: Mixed 1-D math and 2-D math is not supported and not recommended stylistically. You cannot mix 1-D and 2-D math inside one command. For example, the following is not supported.
Warning, inserted missing semicolon at end of statement
You can, however, have a well formed 2-D expression and a well formed 1-D expression in the same execution group. For example,
Shortcut Keys for 2-D Math
Automatically Generated in Document
enter/exit 2-D math
Example using fractions: versus 1/4
command/symbol completion
Esc, Macintosh, Windows, and UNIX
Ctrl + Shift + Space, most UNIX platforms
/ (forward slash)
exponent (superscript)
^ (caret)
Use the right arrow key to leave the superscript area.
_ (Shift + underscore )
Use the right arrow key to leave the subscript area.
square root
sqrt, and then command-symbol completion keys

navigating expressions
Arrow keys
The Typesetting Rule Assistant is a graphical user interface for changing the current typesetting rules. These rules control the input and typesetting of 2-D math within the standard worksheet interface. For more information, see Typesetting Rule Assistant.
The 2DMathDetails page gives more information on entering 2-D math.
Context Menus with 2-D Math
The context menu for 2-D math input (right-click, or Ctrl-click for Macintosh) provides the following options: discard parsed meaning, convert to, and format.
Discard Parsed Meaning - This menu item is useful if you have assigned more than one typesetting rule to the syntax and want to replace one meaning you selected through the Clarify Expression dialog with another. By discarding the parsed meaning, you will be prompted to clarify the expression when re-executing the 2-D math. This allows you to select one of the other meanings listed in the Clarify Expression dialog.
Convert To - For details, see the ConvertTo help page.
Format - This menu allows you to modify the 2-D math input with bold, italic, underline, color, or highlight color formatting. Additionally, it provides quick access to the Character Style dialog, through the Attributes menu.