Robotics Design in Maple and MapleSim - Recorded Webinar - Maplesoft

Recorded Webinars

Robotics Design in Maple and MapleSim

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Robotics Design in Maple and MapleSim

With an intuitive multidomain modeling environment and powerful multibody modeling technology, Maplesoft’s suite of modeling and simulation tools are uniquely suited to developing mechatronic systems, including such diverse applications as robotics, guidance systems, active stabilizers, vibration attenuators, and “X-by-wire” systems found in road vehicles and aircraft. In this webinar, learn how to quickly create multi-link robots by simply defining DH parameters in MapleSim. After a model is created, learn to extract the kinematic and dynamic equations symbolically in Maple. Examples will be presented where inverse kinematic problems will be solved both symbolically and using optimization techniques.

Sprache: English
Dauer: 43 Minutes
Related Terms: Robotics, Multibody, Mechatronics, Vibration, Vehicle, Kinematics, Optimization

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