Maple costs less than many scientific calculators, is far more functional, and will grow with you as you go on to take more advanced courses.

Maple includes thousands of features and commands that make it useful in all of your math, engineering and science classes, from high-school and beyond.

Maple's Clickable Calculus capabilities allows even novice users to perform complex operations without knowing any special commands or syntax.

Thousands of commercial organizations, government research labs and academic institutions use it as a core part of their toolchain, so using Maple now will help you get a head-start on your career.

Built-in tutors and task templates offer step-by-step and visual learning environments for many important math topics, including concepts in precalculus and calculus.

Via MapleCloud, you can access interactive tutors and calculators 24/7 from your computer or mobile device.

A continually growing library of Quick Start Tutorials, training videos, and recorded webinars make it easy to master the skills that will help you succeed in your studies.

Have a question or a problem? Help is always just a click away via MaplePrimes.com, or Maple's extensive online help documentation.

You get access to thousands of free Maple applications, examples and tips from the Maple Application Center.

Hundreds of Math Apps make it easy to visually explore a broad set of fundamental concepts from functions & graphing, calculus, statistics, physics, and more.