Point-and-Click Problem Solving - Maple Features - Maplesoft


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Point-and-Click Problem Solving

In Maple, the context panel allows you to perform mathematical operations by simply clicking the object and selecting the desired operation from the menu of choices provided.

  • Menus change according to the context, so only relevant choices are displayed. For example, “Determinant” appears in the menu for a matrix, while “Solve DE” appears for a differential equation.
  • Expressions are further analyzed to detect the variables present. These variables are added to the menus when appropriate. For example, you can specify which variable to solve for.
  • When you apply context-sensitive menu operations, a brief description is displayed above the arrows and equal signs leading to the results. These descriptions provide an automatically generated record of your actions.
  • Automatically generated text can be deleted or modified.
  • In addition to mathematical operations, context-sensitive menus make it easy to modify plot options, customize embedded components, adjust table properties, and perform other actions in Maple.

Watch a Demonstration

  • Intelligent Context Panel
    The intelligent Context Panel brings together and enhances some of Maple’s most powerful Clickable Math tools. The Context Panel offers point-and-click access to a wide variety of mathematical operations as well as other Maple tools, and provides a highly discoverable way of exploring Maple's functionality.

    Watch this video

  • Clickable Math
    "Clickable Math" techniques redefine what is possible in mathematics, engineering and science education. During this brief demonstration, you will see firsthand how Maple's easy-to-use equation editor, context menus, palettes, and other clickable interface features allow you to focus on the concepts, not the tool.

    Watch this video

Working with Data Sets in Maple
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