Classroom Content: Control Theory - Maplesoft

Classroom Content: Control Theory

Free content for an introductory course in Control Design

This collection of MapleSim and Maple classroom materials makes it easy to bring modern technology to any introductory course in control design. With interactive classroom demonstrations that illustrate key concepts in a highly visual way; engaging lab projects and assignment questions; and example models ready to be explored, this material enriches lectures, makes lab problems more concrete, and deepens understanding.

Although designed primarily for instructor use in a classroom or lab setting, students working independently will also find this material useful to improve their understanding of control design.

This free package includes:

Explore the Content

Explore important concepts in control design

Extract systems equations directly from the models

Experiment with different parameter values

Design and analyze controllers

Give students hands-on experience with lab projects

Package Contents

Class Resources

  • Use interactive Maple documents to explore important concepts in control design:
    • The effect of a zero on a second order system's performance
    • The relationship between pole locations and time-domain performance for a second order system
    • Lead and lag root locus design
    • Pole locations and performance characteristics
  • Explore sample MapleSim models to immediately see the effects of different control strategies.
  • Take advantage of step-by-step examples that show how to extract system equations from MapleSim models and use Maple’s built in Dynamic Systems package to design and analyze your controllers.

Training Materials

  • Learn how to get the most out Maple’s analysis tools with a manual that focuses specifically on how Maple can be used for introductory control design.
  • See how to take advantage of MapleSim in your classroom with an easy-to-follow introductory guide.


  • Give students hands-on experience with sample projects and labs covering a wide variety of topics.
  • Use projects as homework assignments, lab work, classroom examples, or extra credit.

This content is available for free! Simply fill in this form to download.

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