This worksheet calculates the value of Pi via a multi-threaded (and a single-threaded) Monte-Carlo algorithm. Ntotal darts are randomly thrown at a unit square inscribed with a circle, and the number N that land within the circle are counted. The value of Pi is 4N/Ntotal.
The fractional speed-up of the multi-threaded version over the single-threaded version is calculated. Typically on a dual core computer, the speedup is about 30%.
This application was created in Maple 13.02, and uses features that may not be available with earlier versions of Maple.
xavier cormier
Prof. William Fox
Nikolay Khokhlov
Dr Alexei Tikhonenko
Prof. Michael Monagan
Jason Schattman
Aziz Mouzali
Jay Pedersen
Yury Zavarovsky
Michael Monagan
Douglas Meade