Recorded Online Webinars - Engineering Webinars, Math Education Webinars - Maplesoft

Recorded Webinars

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Least-Squares Fitting in Maple

Length: 62 Minutes
Presenter: Maplesoft
Product: Maple

The least-squares fitting of functions to data can be done in Maple with eleven different commands from four different packages. The CurveFitting and LinearAlgebra packages each have a LeastSquares command; the Optimization package has the LSSolve and NLPSolve commands; and the Statistics package ha...

Maple網路研討會- Maple的CurveFitting功能

Length: 51 Minutes
Presenter: Maplesoft
Product: Maple

Curve Fitting 亦即曲線擬合,為使離散數據公式化的功能,可應用在各種物理問題和統計問題有關量的多次觀測值或實驗值推導,然而資料龐雜可能會使推導過程費時費力。Maple內建的Curve Fitting小幫手工具,可以幫助您快速直接輸入數據資料進行曲線擬合。您亦可利用給定函數的方式,以Maple撰寫擬合程序,進行線性或非線性函數之數據擬合工作,快速且輕鬆地建立曲線擬合結果。本單元介紹如何應用Maple的Statistics函式庫進行數學統計與數據分析,其中包括了線性與非線性方程式的數據擬合,同時以一案例說明如何利用Maple進行常微分方程擬合,幫助您進行曲線擬合分析工作。