Recorded Online Webinars - Engineering Webinars, Math Education Webinars - Maplesoft

Recorded Webinars

In-depth information and demonstrations of Maplesoft products

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Leveraging AI, Analytics, and Math Technology to Improve Retention Rates: Introducing the Student Success Platform

Length: 27 Minutes
Presenter: Maplesoft

Post-secondary education is crucial to the long-term success of today’s students, but retention data shows that significant numbers of students are not completing their programs. Dropping out has a serious, long-lasting impact on students’ lives, as well as a significant financial impact...

Top 10 Resources for Teaching Linear Algebra with Maple

Length: 40 Minutes
Presenter: Nadia Sid, Maple Product Manager
Product: Maple

Calling all linear algebra instructors! Are you looking to enhance your course with innovative resources? Join us for this video where we’ll highlight the top 10 tools in Maple designed specifically to support the teaching and learning of linear algebra. From matrix manipulations and solving ...

A Syntax-Free Approach to the Student ODEs Package

Length: 57 Minutes
Presenter: Maplesoft
Product: Maple

The Student ODEs package, introduced in Maple 2021, was initially accessible only through its 13 commands. But these commands have many options, leading to entanglements in syntax that would tax both instructors and students. In Maple 2022, access to all the functionalities of the package was imp...

Cours et exercices de Mathématiques : création de documents interactifs engageants pour les élèves

Length: 37 Minutes
Presenter: Nadia Sid, Maple Learn Product Manager
Product: Maple,Maple Learn

Que vous enseignez en BTS, BUT, ou en licence ; la plateforme Maple Learn vous permet de créer des documents de cours, de démontrer, d’illustrer et aussi générer des exercices. Maple Learn met à portée de main tous les outils de rédaction, visu...

The Student VectorCalculus Package - Parts 1 & 2

Length: 56 Minutes
Presenter: Dr. Robert Lopez
Product: Maple

In this two-part webinar, Dr. Lopez will examine the structure and functionalities in the Student VectorCalculus package, providing insight into how to understand, and to optimize the use of, this very powerful package. These two webinars answer the question "What does a user need to know about this...

Maple voor docenten: een eerste verkenning

Length: 61 Minutes
Presenter: Erik Postma
Product: Maple

Dit webinar is bedoeld voor docenten die voor het eerst met Maple werken - of die erover denken met Maple te gaan werken. We zullen de volgende onderwerpen bekijken: Wiskundige uitdrukkingen invoeren en ermee werken, met of zonder gebruik van commando's De rol van het "Context Panel" e...

Enhance Faculty Experience and Skills using Maple in the 21st Century Classroom

Length: 36 Minutes
Presenter: Lance Gooden
Product: Maple

What role does faculty confidence and skills play in the use of a Computer Algebra System (CAS) in increasing student success in college calculus courses? In this webinar, Lance Gooden from Johnston Community College discusses his efforts to implement Maple within the classroom in the Calculus seque...

Introducing Maple 2020: Something for Everyone

Length: 16 Minutes
Presenter: Karishma Punwani
Product: Maple

Maple 2020 offers a vast collection of enhancements for both long-time customers and those who are using Maple for the very first time. In this webinar, you’ll learn about advancements that increase Maple’s mathematical abilities, as well as new and improved tools for interactive prob...

Maple Conference 2019 - How Maple Has Improved Student Understanding in Differential Equations

Length: 41 Minutes
Presenter: Doug Meade
Product: Maple

How Maple Has Improved Student Understanding in Differential Equations presented by Doug Meade at the Maple Conference 2019.

The Student VectorCalculus Package

Length: 57 Minutes
Presenter: Maplesoft
Product: Maple

In this webinar, Dr. Lopez will examine the structure and functionalities in the Student VectorCalculus package, providing insight into how to understand, and to optimize, this very powerful package.