Recorded Online Webinars - Engineering Webinars, Math Education Webinars - Maplesoft

Recorded Webinars

In-depth information and demonstrations of Maplesoft products

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The Multivariate Calculus Study Guide A Manual for Maple's Syntax-Free Approach to Multivariate Calculus

Length: 90 Minutes
Presenter: Dr. Robert Lopez
Product: Maple

The Multivariate Calculus Study Guide was originally an ebook separate from Maple itself. Since the release of Maple 2021, it has been wholly incorporated into the help system of Maple. So every recent copy of Maple contains the complete Guide! What is this Guide? It's a supplement to any multivari...

Smoothing the Path to Understanding for Economics Students with Maple Learn

Length: 38 Minutes
Presenter: Maplesoft
Product: Maple Learn

In economics courses, mathematics is an essential tool, but for many students, the mechanics of working with formulas, creating graphs, and performing calculations becomes a barrier to understanding rather than an aid to enlightenment. Technology can help, but all too often will introduce new proble...

Maple voor docenten: een eerste verkenning

Length: 61 Minutes
Presenter: Erik Postma
Product: Maple

Dit webinar is bedoeld voor docenten die voor het eerst met Maple werken - of die erover denken met Maple te gaan werken. We zullen de volgende onderwerpen bekijken: Wiskundige uitdrukkingen invoeren en ermee werken, met of zonder gebruik van commando's De rol van het "Context Panel" e...

Precalculus Math and Trigonometry - All by Syntax-Free Maple

Length: 55 Minutes
Presenter: Dr. Robert Lopez
Product: Maple

Maple's syntax-free Clickable Math will be used to explore topics in precalculus, including basic algebra and trigonometry. So, algebraic and trigonometric equations will be solved, graphs will be drawn, the binomial theorem explored, induction illustrated, etc., all without having to grapple with t...

Maple Conference 2019 - The Creation of Animated Graphs to Develop Computational Thinking and Support STEM Education

Length: 37 Minutes
Presenter: Alice Barana, Alberto Conte, Cecilia Fissore, Francesco Floris, Marina Marchisio, and Matteo Sacchet
Product: Maple

The Creation of Animated Graphs to Develop Computational Thinking and Support STEM Education presented by Alice Barana, Alberto Conte, Cecilia Fissore, Francesco Floris, Marina Marchisio, and Matteo Sacchet at the Maple Conference 2019.

Guida pratica alla valutazione di Maple

Length: 41 Minutes
Presenter: Maplesoft
Product: Maple

Il webinar è dedicato a chi desidera scoprire un tool completo con il quale svolgere, in un unico ambiente potente, integrato e interattivo, attività di calcolo simbolico e numerico, di analisi e visualizzazione dei dati, di programmazione e di creazione di documentazione tecnica e di progetto. Una ...

Gráficos de Funções para o Ensino Médio com Maple

Length: 56 Minutes
Presenter: Maplesoft
Product: Maple

Nesta webinar, estudaremos as principais funções através de seus gráficos, incluindo funções do 1° grau, 2° grau, exponenciais, logarítmicas, e muitas outras, incluindo funções trigonométricas, usando todas as ferramentas ...