Recorded Online Webinars - Engineering Webinars, Math Education Webinars - Maplesoft

Recorded Webinars

In-depth information and demonstrations of Maplesoft products

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Green's Functions for Ordinary Differential Equations

Length: 47 Minutes
Presenter: Dr. Robert Lopez
Product: Maple

More than 50 years ago in a graduate course in differential equations, my colleagues and I struggled to understand what a Green's function for an ordinary differential equation really was. Suddenly, someone pointed to a green chalk mark on the blackboard and, with great glee, declared it to be the l...

A Syntax-Free Approach to the Student ODEs Package

Length: 57 Minutes
Presenter: Maplesoft
Product: Maple

The Student ODEs package, introduced in Maple 2021, was initially accessible only through its 13 commands. But these commands have many options, leading to entanglements in syntax that would tax both instructors and students. In Maple 2022, access to all the functionalities of the package was imp...

Maple Conference 2019 - How Maple Has Improved Student Understanding in Differential Equations

Length: 41 Minutes
Presenter: Doug Meade
Product: Maple

How Maple Has Improved Student Understanding in Differential Equations presented by Doug Meade at the Maple Conference 2019.

Hollywood Math - Part 2: Superhero Physics

Length: 24 Minutes
Presenter: Charlotte Blinston
Product: Maple

When it comes to Hollywood, physics usually gets thrown out the window. From Iron Man’s outrageously sophisticated suit to Daredevil’s superhuman hearing, comic book movies are no exception, and many superheroes invalidate physics on a regular basis. Thor’s hammer, for example, see...

Clickable Engineering Math: Interactive Engineering Problem Solving

Length: 34 Minutes
Presenter: Maplesoft
Product: Maple

In this webinar, general engineering problem-solving methods are presented using clickable techniques in the application areas of mechanics, circuits, control, and more. Specific techniques will be demonstrated in Maple, including symbolic equation solving, differential equations and transforms, plo...


Length: 60 Minutes
Presenter: Maplesoft
Product: Maple


Clickable Calculus Series - Part #4: Differential Equations

Length: 57 Minutes
Presenter: Dr. Robert Lopez
Product: Maple

In this webinar, Dr. Lopez will apply the techniques of “Clickable Calculus” to standard calculations in Differential Equations. Clickable Calculus™, the idea of powerful mathematics delivered using very visual, interactive point-and-click methods, offers educators a new genera...

Clickable Calculus: Differentialgleichungen, Lineare Algebra und Vektoranalysis

Length: 56 Minutes
Presenter: Maplesoft
Product: Maple

"Clickable Calculus" bezieht sich auf Maple's bemerkenswerten Satz von GUI-Features, die gängige mathematische Operationen mit einfachen Mausklicks erlauben. Maple ist einzigartig unter den professionellen Mathematik-Tools und bietet sowohl starke Rechenroutinen als auch eine Benutzeroberfl&aum...

Resolução Numérica de Equações Diferenciais com Maple

Length: 53 Minutes
Presenter: Maplesoft
Product: Maple

Nessa apresentação, vamos usar o Maple 16 para obter soluções numéricas de Equações Diferenciais Lineares e Não-Lineares usando os métodos numéricos conhecidos mas valendo do poderoso potencial computacional do Maple 16. Abordarem...

Modelagem Matemática 1: Equações Diferenciais Ordinárias com Maple em Português

Length: 61 Minutes
Presenter: Maplesoft
Product: Maple

O assunto de Equações Diferenciais Ordinárias é um assunto muito importante e crucial no estudo das Ciências Exatas. Por causa disso, é importante utilizar um software como o Maple para auxiliar nos cálculos e resolver problemas reais com EDOs, princip...