Moving to System-Level Modeling: Research-Backed Strategies to Drive a Model-Based Approach in Your Company - Recorded Webinar - Maplesoft

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Moving to System-Level Modeling: Research-Backed Strategies to Drive a Model-Based Approach in Your Company

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Moving to System-Level Modeling: Research-Backed Strategies to Drive a Model-Based Approach in Your Company

By now, most engineers are familiar with the idea of a system-level approach to modeling and simulation. Many of these engineers understand, in theory, how this approach stands to speed up product development while reducing the risk of late-stage design changes. 

Even with the benefits in mind, most engineers simply can’t see an easy way forward in their organization. Innovating using traditional processes always comes with a cost, and it’s all too easy to focus on the cost of change instead of the opportunities. With the right strategies in place, adopting system-level modeling can start providing design insight in days, not months.

At Maplesoft, we’ve worked to understand the best strategies for driving model-based approaches across industries. Through customer interviews, research partners, and collaborations with industry leaders, we’ve found key strategies that help make progress possible. Whether you need to shed outdated processes, gain support from management, or develop new internal skills, there are research-backed techniques to succeed. 

In this webinar, you’ll gain a quick primer in system-level modeling, and learn best practices to make it work for your company sooner than you think.
Sprache: English
Dauer: 24 Minutes
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