Duality of Polyhedra
This worksheet describes the polyhedron duality routine of the geom3d package. For visibility, the plots and table below were generated with the worksheet set to a wide size.
In order to access the routines in the geom3d package by their short names, the with command has been used.
An Introductory Demonstration
The Concept of Duality
The edges and vertices of a polyhedron constitute a special case of a graph in which a set of points, or nodes, is joined in pairs by segments or branches. Therefore, the essential property of a polyhedron is that its faces together form a single unbounded surface. The edges are merely curves drawn on the surface that come together in sets of three or more at the vertices.
In other words, a polyhedron with faces, edges, and vertices may be regarded as a map, that is, as the partition of an unbounded surface into polygonal regions by means of simple curves joining pairs of points.
From a given map, we may derive a second, called the dual map, on the same surface. This second map has vertices, one in the interior of each face of the given map; edges, one crossing each edge of the given map; and faces, one surrounding each vertex of the given map. Corresponding to a p-gonal face of the given map, the dual map will have a vertex where p edges (and p faces) come together.
Duality is a symmetric relation: A map is the dual of its dual.
A map is said to be regular, of type {p,q}, when there are p vertices and p edges for each face, and q edges and q faces at each vertex, that are arranged symmetrically in a sense that can be made precise. Therefore, a regular polyhedron is a special case of a regular map. For each map of type {p,q} is a dual map of type {q,p}.
Consider the regular polyhedron {p,q}, with its vertices, edges, and faces. If we replace each edge by a perpendicular line touching the mid-sphere at the same point, we obtain the edges of the reciprocal polyhedron {q,p}, which has vertices and faces. This process is in fact reciprocation with respect to the mid-sphere: the vertices and face-planes of {p,q} are the poles and the polars, respectively, of the face-planes and vertices of {q,p}.
Reciprocation with respect to another concentric sphere would yield a larger or smaller {q,p}.
This process of reciprocation can evidently be applied to any figure that has a recognizable "center". It agrees with the topological duality that we defined for maps. The 13 Archimedean solids are therefore included in this case; that is, for each Archimedean solid there exists a reciprocal polyhedron with respect to a concentric sphere.
Specifying Dual Polyhedra in geom3d
In Maple, one can define a duality of a regular polyhedron or of an Archimedean solid by using the command duality(dualp,p,s) where dualp is the name of the reciprocal polyhedron of the given polyhedron p with respect to the sphere s which is concentric with p (that is, s and p have the same center).
The following series of Maple commands show how to define and display the reciprocal polyhedron of a given regular polyhedron.
![point(o, 0, 0, 0):](/support/helpjp/helpview.aspx?si=9020/file03915/math192.png)
Duals of the Archimedean Solids in geom3d
A given regular polyhedron is closed under duality--the duality of a regular polyhedron is also a regular polyhedron.
This is not the case for the Archimedean solids, though. The following table shows the polyhedron type of the duals of the Archimedean solids:
Archimedean Solids Maple's Schlafli Reciprocal Polyhedron Maple's Schlafli
TruncatedTetrahedron _t([3,3]) TriakisTetrahedron dual(_t([3,3]))
TruncatedOctahedron _t([3,4]) TetrakisHexahedron dual(_t([3,4]))
TruncatedHexahedron _t([4,3]) TriakisOctahedron dual(_t([4,3]))
TruncatedIcosahedron _t([3,5]) PentakisDodecahedron dual(_t([3,5]))
TruncatedDodecahedron _t([5,3]) TriakisIcosahedron dual(_t([5,3]))
cuboctahedron [[3],[4]] RhombicDodecahedron dual([[3],[4]])
icosidodecahedron [[3],[5]] RhombicTriacontahedron dual([[3],[5]])
SmallRhombicuboctahedron _r([[3],[4]]) TrapezoidaIcositetrahedron dual(_r([[3],[4]]))
SmallRhombiicosidodecahedron _r([[3],[5]]) TrapezoidalHexecontahedron dual(_r([[3],[5]]))
GreatRhombicuboctahedron _t([[3],[4]]) HexakisOctahedron dual(_t([[3],[4]]))
GreatRhombiicosidodecahedron _t([[3],[5]]) HexakisIcosahedron dual(_t([[3],[5]]))
SnubCube _s([[3],[4]]) PentagonalIcositetrahedron dual(_s([[3],[4]]))
SnubDodecahedron _s([[3],[5]]) PentagonalHexacontahedron dual(_s([[3],[5]]))
To access information relating to the reciprocal of an Archimedean solid gon, use the following function calls:
center(gon); returns the center of the mid-sphere of gon.
faces(gon); returns the faces of gon, with each face is represented as a list of coordinates of its vertices.
form(gon); returns the form of gon (TriakisTetrahedron3d, ...).
radius(gon); returns the mid-radius of gon.
schlafli(gon); returns the Schlafli symbol of gon.
vertices(gon); returns the coordinates of vertices of gon.
For example:
![[[(1/5)*11^(1/2), (1/5)*11^(1/2), (1/5)*11^(1/2)], [-(1/5)*11^(1/2), -(1/5)*11^(1/2), (1/5)*11^(1/2)], [-(1/5)*11^(1/2), (1/5)*11^(1/2), -(1/5)*11^(1/2)], [(1/5)*11^(1/2), -(1/5)*11^(1/2), -(1/5)*11^(1/2)], [-(1/3)*11^(1/2), -(1/3)*11^(1/2), -(1/3)*11^(1/2)], [-(1/3)*11^(1/2), (1/3)*11^(1/2), (1/3)*11^(1/2)], [(1/3)*11^(1/2), -(1/3)*11^(1/2), (1/3)*11^(1/2)], [(1/3)*11^(1/2), (1/3)*11^(1/2), -(1/3)*11^(1/2)]]](/support/helpjp/helpview.aspx?si=9020/file03915/math365.png)
| (4.1) |
The following figure shows the 13 reciprocals of the Archimedean solids:
| (4.2) |
| (4.3) |
| (4.4) |
| (4.5) |
| (4.6) |
| (4.7) |
| (4.8) |
| (4.9) |
| (4.10) |
| (4.11) |
| (4.12) |
| (4.13) |
| (4.14) |
![draw([seq(t || i, i = 1 .. 13)], color = plum, orientation = [-117, 45], title = "Reciprocal polyhedra of the Archimedean Solids", style = patch, lightmodel = light4)](/support/helpjp/helpview.aspx?si=9020/file03915/math503.png)
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