algcurves[puiseux] - determines the Puiseux expansions of an algebraic function
Calling Sequence
puiseux(a, x=p, n)
puiseux(f, x=p, y, n)
puiseux(f, x=p, y, n, T)
algebraic function in RootOf form
gives the point around which the expansions are computed
number specifying the desired accuracy of the expansions
square-free polynomial in x and y
(optional) variable, used for obtaining a different output syntax
The polynomial f must be square-free, otherwise the puiseux procedure does not work.
If f is irreducible then f gives an algebraic extension of . Instead of giving f, this algebraic extension can also be specified with a RootOf a of f. This a can be viewed as a multivalued function in x. The Puiseux expansions give the local expansions of this multivalued function.
The Puiseux expansions are only computed up to conjugation over . So if a number of expansions are algebraically conjugated over then only one of these expansions is given.
If n=0 then the expansions are not computed modulo , but in this case the number of terms that is computed is precisely the number that is needed to distinguish the expansions from the other expansions. If n='minimal' then the same output is given.
To avoid an output containing fractional powers of x one can specify a fifth argument T. Then the Puiseux expansions in the output are represented in a different way, namely as
So then x and y are expressed in terms of a local parameter.
Note: The Maple "alias" function does not recognize an alias in terms of another alias. Therefore, you must not use nested aliases for algebraic numbers because then the puiseux algorithm is not able to construct the field L over which the algebraic function is defined.
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To get all 8 Puiseux expansions substitute all conjugates over of and in this set.
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