RegularChains[ConstructibleSetTools][GeneralConstruct] - construct a constructible set from a regular chain, equalities, and inequalities
Calling Sequence
GeneralConstruct(F, T, H, R)
GeneralConstruct(F, T, R)
GeneralConstruct(T, H, R)
GeneralConstruct(F, H, R)
F, H
lists of polynomials
regular chain
polynomial ring
The command GeneralConstruct(F, T, H, R) returns a constructible set .
If F is not specified, it is set to be the empty list.
If T is not specified, it is set to be the empty regular chain.
If H is not specified, it is set to .
The quasi-component of the empty regular chain is the whole space.
Any other inputs will be rejected and an error message will be reported.
This command is part of the RegularChains[ConstructibleSetTools] package, so it can be used in the form GeneralConstruct(..) only after executing the command with(RegularChains[ConstructibleSetTools]). However, it can always be accessed through the long form of the command by using RegularChains[ConstructibleSetTools][GeneralConstruct](..).
First, define a polynomial ring and three polynomials in the ring.
| (1) |
| (2) |
Build a regular chain using , which means vanishes but the initial of does not vanish.

| (3) |
Use GeneralConstruct to figure out the points in which cancel but do not cancel .
| (4) |
cs is a constructible set consisting of one regular system.
| (5) |
The inequalities form the following list.
| (6) |
To see complete information, use the Info command.
| (7) |