RegularChains[FastArithmeticTools][RegularizeDim0] - Test the regularity of a polynomial w.r.t. a 0-dim regular chain
Calling Sequence
RegularizeDim0(f, rc, R)
RegularizeDim0(f, rc, R, isSquareFree)
a polynomial ring
a polynomial of R
a regular chain of R
boolean value (optional)
The above specification is similar to that of the command Regularize. However the algorithm of the command RegularizeDim0 makes use of modular techniques and asymptotically fast polynomial arithmetic. Consequently, when both commands apply, the latter one often outperforms the former.
The function call RegularizeDim0(p, rc, R) makes two other assumptions. First rc must be a zero-dimensional regular chain. See the RegularChains package and its subpackage ChainTools for these notions.
If isSquareFree is true then assume that rc is a squarefree regular chain, that is, its saturated ideal is radical.
p is a large prime number
Define a random dense regular chain and a polynomial

| (1) |
| (2) |
We can see that Regularize is slower than RegularizeDim0.
| (3) |
| (4) |
These additional calculations show that the two returned regular chains are equivalent (i.e. they have the same saturated ideals).
| (5) |
| (6) |
| (7) |
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